Committee to Defend Human Rights

The Committee to Defend Human Rights (the Committee) was established in December 2014 in Sydney NSW after a period of preparation and consultation with prominent members of the community.  The committee is also focusing on violation of basic human rights in Iraq to expose the social and political practices causing the on-going suffering of the people of Iraq.  The committee believe in freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of thought, conscience or religious worship.


Committee Profile

The Committee to Defend Human Rights in brief press here to view the profile in English or Arabic

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Youth Workshop April-2016

A meeting was held by our youth to discuss issues facing them in Australia.  The meeting was aiming at promoting youth role and ideas to address various issues that might impact their life such as Bullying and exclusion, Community journalism, Art and activism, Sport and movement as communication, The digital age.  Read the report in English or Arabic


Community Response to Radicalisation and Racism Feb-2016

The Committee to Defend Human Rights in collaboration with local community organisations is holding a forum to deliver the community response to radicalisation and racism in Australia.  Read More   التقرير الختامي

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Women Against Violence April 2015

A seminar organised to raise awareness among wide community of violence of all types and extremism and to express our women views on ways and strategy to contain and prevent violence and to counteract terrorism.  Read More


Iraq after daesh April-2017 عراق مابعد داعش

نظمت"لجنة الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان -استراليا" بمشاركة " لجنة العمل المشترك لمنظمات الجالية العراقية في استراليا" سيمنارا فكريا بعنوان " عراق مابعد داعش " اسهاما منها في تلمس اجابات موضوعية عن الاسئلة الكبيرة المتعلقة بمستقبل عراقنا بعد ان تطوى صفحة داعش من ذلك المخطط المرسوم له

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Meeting with The Honourable Ms Anne Stanley federal MP Member for Werriwa New South Wales for the current crisis in Iraq

Meeting with The Honourable Ms Anne Stanley federal MP Member for Werriwa New South Wales for the current crisis in Iraq

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Karrada district DEVASTATION july 2016

On Sunday, the 10th of July, 2016 members of the Iraqi Australian community in Sydney gathered in Fairfield-NSW to condemn the barbaric attack in Baghdad – Karrada district where over 300 people were massacred on July 3, 2016 by organised criminal mobs of Daesh in Iraq.  Read More