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almuntada social committee

The Social Committee provides social events aims at bringing the community together, provides entertainment and organises family picnics and short trips to members and friends of Almuntada.

Almuntada Ramadan eftar, a mesmerising night, food, entertainment and music a true Iraqi hospitality night Read More

Almuntada Ramadan eftar, a mesmerising night, food, entertainment and music a true Iraqi hospitality night Read More

Canberra Flower festival picnic , see more

Canberra Flower festival picnic , see more

Breakfast event

The Soacial Committee held a friedly breakfast event to members of Almuntada and their families for introduction to Almuntada activities and programs.

Breakfast and Social Gathering sharing with our new members .... Read more in Arabic

Breakfast and Social Gathering sharing with our new members .... Read more in Arabic

Farewell of Mrs Anwar Alessa, Consular General of the Iraqi Consulate in Sydney, for completing her duties and returning to Iraq.  See More

Farewell of Mrs Anwar Alessa, Consular General of the Iraqi Consulate in Sydney, for completing her duties and returning to Iraq.  See More

Members and friends family picnic , see more

Members and friends family picnic , see more

End of year picnic

The 2017 annual picnic day was held in Plough and Harrow, Abbotsbury, NSW.  An entertaining and family gathering where everyone enjoyed food, music and fun.